WIPNcast 11

News Stories

  1. New Xbox One models being talked about ALREADY!

  2. New Elder Scrolls Online Trailer - is the game really this good?

  3. Everquest Next Landmark Alpha has begun!

    1. i’ve heard it’s about 60% done, but even if you pay for alpha you are under NDA! NDA was just lifted Saturday night / Sunday morning

  4. PS4 update supports new wireless headsets

  5. Indie developers fire back at King for trademarking of word ‘candy’ by flooding App Store with games that have ‘candy’ in their name - I think I might do this on Android as well and even more of a reason to hate those assholes!

  6. The Kinect is keeping the Korean Borders safe from everything! - What else can we guard with the Kinect?

  7. Kickstarter for Bluetooth ZX Spectrum keyboard hits controversy as promises of “paying original ZX game developers” kinda doesn’t happen - More dicks!

  8. New Android game:  Flappy Bird is latest craze

    1. wow I hate crazes, this game SUCKS!!


What I’m Playing Now

  1. Dungeon Keeper on ANDROID! (and EA kills another GREAT game!)

  2. Grid 2 (SUCKS ASS!)

    1. destructoid’s review was spot on!

  3. Don’t Starve

  4. Skyrim - What the hell is wrong with me?

  5. Final Fantasy XII - Got my Collector’s Edition!


What I WANT to play Now!

  1. EQ Next Landmark

  2. South Park Stick of Truth - preoder now on steam for March 4th release

  3. Super Double Dragon - SNES (Love that game!)

  4. Super Hang-On - Genesis